Serving ~ Inspiring ~ Educating
![]() Together we can help The Church become the walking, talking and glorifying example of God's Excellent Health. Will you help make that possible? It's Your Tastimony Taste It, Believe It, Live It Our mission: To share God's recipe through Bible based nutrition principles. 2023 Blessings
Each year, God brings new flavors into the Designed Living Healthy ministry. The year 2024 is no different. The Church is still spiraling out of control with health challenges. The Biblical Nutritionist and Designed Healthy Living team are equipped to meet this need and, through the power of God's WORD, share Christ in the homes of believers so that they can then multiply the message and share with their neighbors and friends. Going Online - to REACH 2,000,000 +
Health is still the major setback when it comes to sharing the Gospel. Our church is sick! God has placed it on our hearts to create an online Resource - Training: Biblical Wellness Ministry This is for churches and Christians around the globe to access this platform to:
If you are like us you wish this was already in place - yet we need your help! Please consider giving TODAY to make this possible! Israel Missions
The Biblical Nutritionist & Designed Healthy Living is hoping to lead trips to Israel in 2024, and 2025.* These trips can include visiting the Red Sea, seeing a replica of the Tabernacle, walking the streets of Jerusalem, plus so much more. We need your support because this trip includes missions to the troops, helping with the "Pro-Life" movement, and supporting missionaries on the ground in Israel. Ministers - Missionaries - Minister's Wives
The role of the Shepherd can be lonely and difficult. The Designed Healthy Living team is here to help our key leaders get back in shape with their health and their Spiritual journey. Without our key leaders in physical shape ministries cease. |
Because of your faithfulness to give to this ministry we are seeing the blessing of the Lord upon the lives of people who are touched. |